Originally Posted by willravel
Also, the homosexual thing was a mistranslation (one of many mistranslations of the Iranian leader). According to a friend of mine who actually speaks arabic, what he said was more like, "Homosexuality isn't a problem here.", not "There are no homosexuals here."
That's really interesting, because several sources report that Ahmadinejad only speaks Farsi.
Originally Posted by Jerusalem Post
Saturday evening, Ahmadinejad landed in Riyadh to a king's welcome. Feasts were prepared for him. Abdullah meant to speak with him about everything, but first and foremost the nuclear issue. Because they don't share a common language (Ahmadinejad knows only Farsi, and Abdullah doesn't speak it) the conversation was conducted through an interpreter. Abdullah was obviously trying. He sat close to Ahmadinejad, something he doesn't often do with his guests, and tried to smile for the cameras before the meeting.