Originally Posted by ubertuber
It might be worth bearing in mind that we still don't actually know what's going on over there. This NIE may be wrong as well. I'm not putting all viewpoints on equal ground here, but I don't think that we should accept this most recent report as the gospel truth.
Intelligence represents things that we think to be true, not things that we know to be true.
Confusing what we think and what we know is a good way to make rash decisions.
Of course the NIE might be wrong but it is the collective viewpoint of all 16 US intelligence agencies. What is scary is that even though the intelligence has said Iran no longer has such program, Bush has been telling us otherwise and citing "classified" intelligence in the process. Of course he can't show us the intelligence and at the same time he tries to stop the NIE from coming out (successfully for a year) so he can continue his drumbeat. Right now I don't understand the presidents motives. Right now the likely motives I can think of are he really hates muslims and wants to attack muslim nations, he knows that war means $$, he has paranoid dillusions, or maybe he is the Antichrist and wants to plummet the world into the end of days
