The first thing to do about the ghostly music is to get or borrow a good radio with AM/FM/shortwave, and when you hear the music, slowly go through each band to see if your speaker wire is picking up a radio station. I've heard it happen before, and it tends to freak people out. If you do that a few times and can't find anything, you've ruled out the most likely explanation.
For things falling down, two things to look out for are drafts (use a smoke pencil to check for slight air currents, although that would just explain the picture on the mirror and the antenna ball, not the heavier stuff,) and to keep a close eye on the cat. If you put a bell on her collar, the likelihood that she can wander in quietly, knock something over, and run away when the falling object scares you.
As far as noises, I've had mice in the house, and they can make some disconcerting noises. Since it's winter and you're in a new house, it's probably a good idea to put out a few traps for mice and rats anyway, and if you catch something, you can either conclude that they were causing the noise by keeping track of where you found them, or just assume it was them to put your mind at ease.
When you had people over, it's possible that either everything stopped, or you were distracted enough by having company that you didn't hear anything.
If you want to get more evidence, you can get webcams for almost nothing online, or if you're willing to make an investment, get a wireless networked one for ~$100 and set it up to record in an area where there's been a lot of unexplained activity. Keep it up with the tape recorder, too.
It's easy to interpret a large number of odd occurrences as something bigger than what it is, so by taking things one at a time, you're more likely to be able to find clear explanations for each incident. If you go through each one and there's still stuff you can't explain, at least you've determined the exact scope of what you're dealing with and aren't attributing to a paranormal infestation what's actually caused by your daughter playing a joke on you or the cat ... um ... doing those things cats do.
And if it gets really bad, you can always call the TAPS ghost hunters from the TV show and become a local celebrity.