Not sure which FOB or base you are at. The first thing we did when deploying to a new tent city was run CAT-5 cable by the hundreds of feet to link up Xboxes and external drives for sharing. The local network contractor or IT guys might be able to help in other hardware like cases and mobos.
In 2003 northern afghanistan we set up a 5 CPU network for games out of spare mil computers and a few upgraded vid cards. The only problem was that they were constantly occupied with the starcraft/BF/etc freak gamers. Face it, you cant play starcraft for only 10min
The other issue is PSUs frying, in Al udeid we were on British 220 unstable power, an APS was absolutely necessary. In Balad we are on US 110 and its a lot cleaner and stable, PSUs live longer. So Id use APSs or get extra PSUs.
good luck on the donations front. Kodiak donated a pallet of chew our way in 04', Dragon donated sunglasses to our unit in 03 and those boy scouts always send wet wipes.