those commercials are pretty convincing, but would they really change how someone will think? i believe most people looking at that will think "aint gonna happen to me" and keep on doing what they do. most people would realize "i need to clean up that grease i just spilled, someone could get hurt" and do it, whether they saw the commercial or not. the guy who would spill the grease and say "screw it, not my problem" probably won't change his way of thinking just because he saw a commercial.
i work with people who clean up after themselves, and people who leave the work area dirty (no safety risk at all, just an inconvenience). no matter how much we remind people, they still don't clean up after themselves. the inconsiderate ones are inconsiderate not because they haven't been told, or are unaware their actions could affect others, but because that is how they are for whatever reason.
i have a bit of a "lack of faith" in others. while the commercials will remind most people to be aware of what they are doing and be safe, the people who these commercials target wont realize or care that they are as responsible for workplace safety as everyone else is.
i would think they might work at first, but over time, people will get lazy and forget the "message"
onward to mayhem!
Last edited by squeeeb; 12-02-2007 at 05:43 PM..