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Old 12-02-2007, 03:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
The Ghost and Mrs. Byers

I need to get this down to get it all out of my head

Ok, for all of you that thought I was losing my mind, and for all of you that graciously believed me and commiserated with me….here is a full story complete with details I just got today.

Dave and I moved into our house April of 2006, and we love it….hopefully we are going to get to buy it from our landlord. I remember when we moved in I said something like, wouldn’t it be cool if it were haunted, cause most everybody knows I believe in that stuff.

When Dave went on his first trip for work after we moved in, I had an unsettling experience. Now I am not by any means afraid to be alone, but being a tad sad with him gone I would spend all my time, when I was at home, laying in bed watching tv and net surfing. I started noticing when I would shut everything down, I would hear music…big band swing type music. Now I know a lot of you are saying…well it’s a neighbor. I know what it sounds like to hear music coming from another house, you get that muffled base booming thumping sound. This is not what I was hearing. I was hearing the music very very clearly, as if it were coming from my living room, like I had left the tv or stereo on, which I had not.

This has happened so many times, I would really only notice when I DIDN’T hear it, again, keep in mind this doesn’t happen when Dave is home (of course, I wouldn’t look insane if he heard it too lol) and honestly it hasn’t been creeping me out. We all know Dave has been gone a LOT this year, but when he left for China at the first of November something changed.

I don’t know if somehow I was missing stuff before of it the “ghost” has stepped up activity, or if I am truly losing my mind but….the morning after he left I was getting ready for work, the cat and I were sitting on the bed and I was putting my shoes on. A picture I have stuck up in the corner of my dresser mirror fell off…no big deal, while it has never done that before I know that pictures fall off mirrors lol. What happened next…doesn’t. We keep a framed picture of Amanda on Dave’s dresser, next to the TV, next thing I knew it was in the floor, scaring the crap out of me. When I went to pick it up I also noticed that a golden snitch (from the HP movies) antennae ball I had bought Dave had been moved. It had been sitting one way on that tv since it was put there, and it had moved 90 degrees. Yeah….you can say I was freaking out lol and so is the cat.

I try to gather my wits and go in the kitchen to get my lunch together and leave and while I’m getting my keys out of my purse I hear this “thump” that sounds like somebody had dropped my kitchen garbage can in the living room. Morgana is in there freaking out, I turn on the lights and look all around and cant see anything that has fallen, even though Im looking all around the area the cat is “staring” at and where I heard the noise.

I give up and leave for work. That morning I’m telling the guys in the office what was going on and one of them suggested I might have some rodent in the house, which even though sounds gross, it makes sense so I figure, me being the trained exterminator I am, can find evidence of a chimpmunk or rat or mouse or something, so I’m feeling much calmer. Dave calls me and I tell him whats going on and he says maybe he moved the snitch when he was setting up our new dvd player…he doesn’t remember. So all is good right?


I come home that afternoon all ready to search for rodent poop to find one of our Doctor Who dvds laying in the middle of the living room floor, not just the disc but the entire case which I know for a fact was on the dvd shelf with others sitting around it. So I’m left telling an empty house that if “he” wants to watch tv so badly to please put up stuff when he’s done lol and I walk into the bedroom to change to my after work comfy clothes. That’s when I see that the snitch Dave had thought maybe he had moved, has been moved again. I’m telling myself to stay calm….and to remember I’m supposed to be looking for evidence of rodents, so I start inspecting the house, all the while thinking I know I’m not gonna find anything…which I don’t. I search the house from top to bottom, including the basement (my mother has so kindly asked me that day if maybe someone was living in the basement and I didn’t know it….lol THANKS A LOT MOM).

Whats interesting to me is during all of this I notice I hadn’t heard the music, and I still haven’t. Things keep happening, noises I cant explain, the cat chasing things that aren’t there (and YES I know cats do that, but on top of this other stuff its extra freaky ok?)

Several people come over that week to sit with me at nite, which was very nice and appreciated, but of course nothing happens while they are there. Sunday afternoon I go in the bathroom and notice there is a bag of cough drops laying in my sink. Now I know for a fact they weren’t there when I brushed my teeth earlier and I know where they were previously, and the sink wasn’t it.

There have been a few other things, that I cant say for sure are anything at all, but in my head its adding up to paranormal activity. Now I don’t mind living with a ghost, I really don’t, I just don’t want it scaring me lol

As I knew would happen, Dave comes home for thanksgiving and it all stops, absolutely nothing happens and I’m way apprehensive when he leaves it will start up again. But so far….nothing and I’m kinda relieved.

This afternoon, I was leaving to go to Burger King to get some dinner and Diane, my neighbor across the street is walking her dog so I stop to chat for a minute. In the course of the conversation I admit to her weird stuff has been going on in the house and how crazy its making me feel. She looks at me kind of oddly and asks me what….so I go into the whole story, then she hits me with hers.

It seems that the day after Dave came home for thanksgiving, stuff started happening in her house that she shares with her partner. Weird sounds, footsteps when nobody but one of them is home, and one more thing that thankfully I haven’t had to put up with lol. They have this electronic papertowel holder that looks like a lighthouse and has a button on it that if you press it, it sounds like a foghorn. It seems that has been going off at odd times, they changed the batteries in it and it was still doing it, they took them completely out now and are supposed to report to me if it happens again lol.

Its nice to know that Im not the only one here freaking out…..I guess I never realized that ghosts might “travel” from house to house and maybe they don’t, maybe they have one of their own…its just weird that my activity stopped and theirs started.

Oh and she told me one more interesting thing…..The original owner of this house died here, he had cancer…….

…..and he was a huge fan of big band swing music
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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