Originally Posted by river_ratiii
What criteria do you use when determining one's worthiness to call themselves Christian?
...and to think that you would have enough depth of knowlege of "many thousand" people with whom you have come in contact to make such a judgement is hard to believe. 
yes, perhaps I overstated a bit. lets say many hundreds instead. as for the criteria, I consider someone worthy of being called a Christian if he or she makes an honest and sincere effort to live a Christ-like life. very few people I've ever met do that.
and in my opinion, it doesn't always take a significant depth of knowledge of a person to see if they are truly attempting to follow the teachings of Christ. Any time you hear any sort of hate coming from their mouths, you know they aren't truly Christian. a perfect example of this is the Phelps group, who spew hate every time they make a public appearance.