Originally Posted by dc_dux
He has a "serious" hold on fifth place now among the Repub candidates with around 5% of the likely primary voters, having finally broken away from Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.
Why do you think it is that Mike Huckabee, with very little money, has surged so far ahead of Ron Paul?
Its obviously the Chuck Norris commercial, duh....
Individuals should absolutely exert more influence over what happens in their communities and states.
But you fail to recognize the inequities among the states. Do you really believe a low income student in a poor state like Mississippi has the same access to student grants and loans as a low income student in a wealthy state like Connecticut?
And how would the environment be protected under your (and Ron Paul's - " we dont need the EPA") scenario, if one state has stricter air and water quality regulations than a neighboring state, rather than uniform regulations promulgated and enforced at the federal level?
There are roles for the states and there is a role for the federal government to ensure that access to environmental quality of life, access to higher education, health care, etc are equalized to the extent possible for all citizens.
Well perhaps our educational system will improve for everyone if he could manage to get rid of the DOE, like he hopes.
Environmental issues would be handled through the courts. If a company pollutes a towns water source, they are liable for the damages. Anytime someone causes damage to another property, including environmental damage, they can be taken to court and held accountable.
Also, just FYI, Ron Paul has stated that trying to dissolve the EPA is extremely low on his agenda list, anyhow. If its that big of a concern to you, and by some miracle he is elected, you can rest easy that he will probably never be able to get around to actually attempting to do it.