Originally Posted by willravel
I agree with this completely. My point was simply that singling out Islam really doesn't make sense. Frankly, I believe that the world would be better off if extreme religious fundamentalism and zealotism was treated for what it is: mental illness. Considering that the west is no longer in the dark ages, I'd say that in the interest of self preservation we should be taking action to bring peace and prosperity to the region. Imagine the dark ages had there been enough resources and less fighting.
We single out Islam because they are the problem.
Past problems really don't matter at this point, and we have a bit of apples and oranges.
I once felt this was the 'normal' progression to some sort of civilized state for Islam, but the world is different enough these days that you can't use ignorance and superstition as a cause like you could even 200 years ago.
In the crusades the first place you saw a Muslim would be either in the occupied cities or at the point of your/his sword.
These guys are using the internet to post videos of murders and many of the terrorist types have lived in the West.
Privative ignorance is not an excuse, its a death cult with a culture of hate from birth that is to blame.
And while for some reason the Crusades are constantly used as we 'well we were just as bad' the Crusades would never have happened it if weren't for prior Islamic military expansion which they had been trying to (and almost successfully) to conquerer Europe for years. Its not like we just decided 'hey lets kill those non-Christians'.
After all its Istanbul not Constantinople for a reason.