Originally Posted by Ustwo
Yes they are and while I think its insane to pay someone 15 million dollars a year because he can run with a ball around people its not my money, and from a business stand point it makes sense. It doesn't hurt me in the least how much he gets paid.
It really had nothing to do with their value though, its easier to get a good teacher than a good running back, and the teacher doesn't sell t-shirts and season tickets.
So in other words we should lower the taxes on the rich to help the poor, brilliant!
Reagan approves.
Actually what i'm saying is while the rich pay more in taxes the poor have a higher tax burden. Also the rich should not be railing against the taxes because they pass that cost onto their consumers. If tomorrow the government raised the tax on the rich or the cooperations the prices for those good would increase. However, if the taxes were reduced the the prices would likely stay the same and the profits would increase.
In the end there isn't a good solution because the system is driven by greed, which is a very evil human quality.
(note: i'm not saying all buisnesses and rich are greedy, there are many who are not, unfortunately many of them are)