I have had a TiVo for about 3 years. If they can get anything about my viewing habits off of it, good luck.
First of all, the TiVO is always on, as is the satellite receiver that it's hooked to. So they can track away all those hours that I am not watching.
Second, if they are tracking what I am recording, have fun. There are only 3 shows that I record and they are all "season passes". So goody, goody, they know the three shows that I always watch. Since they are all on minor networks/cable channels, maybe that will help keep them on the air.
Third, if they are looking at when I skip commercials, they can forget it. I'm way too lazy to do that. Usually, I just dump the entire recording to a video tape.
Will this make me stop using TiVO? No way. I love mine even though I don't use it as many of the features as people might expect.
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