Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'm sorry will you do have an agenda here. You are looking for a secondary reason as its not your primary reason for opposing the death penalty.
Its witnessing an execution traumatic? Sure, but so what. You are trying to claim you oppose it for the victims which is just bullshit, I'll let them answer not some young psychologist who is fundamentally opposed to the entire concept.
So when someone gives evidence supporting their position, that automatically means you ignore the evidence?
Victim's welfare is one of many reasons I oppose the death penalty. I also oppose it because of it's inability to deter, the inability of the justice system to actually find guilty people guilty and innocent people innocent, the horrible methods by which we kill, the amount of time someone spends on death row, the idea that the state can just up and kill people, the fact that it has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with vengeance... the list goes on. The welfare of the victims is part of a much larger case, but you brought it up so I figured I'd address it. Primary? I dunno. It's there.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
So sure they were happy about it after, but we need to wait months and months and THEN see they were depressed they were thinking about their loved one and the execution, see its traumatic on them! I mean who would have thought that the murder of a loved one might come back to haunt someone even after an execution!
Again, you're talking about something you have absolutely no experience with or education for. The depression from the death is
compounded by the execution, not alleviated by it as you would have people (including yourself) think. People who don't go through the experience of having the guilty or supposedly guilty party put to death don't have that.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I have an idea will, lets let the next of kin decide and render your argument moot. Oh wait I forget, as a liberal people don't know whats good for them and you need to get the government to do decide for them, my bad 
Why are you so afraid of the learned and trained professionals who know exactly what's going on? I'll tell you what, let's compromise and have a licensed therapist speak to the next of kin to the victim who was killed by someone who was eventually put to death. Then we can have the therapist tell us how the death of the convicted criminal was wonderful for them, in the short term (months) and the long term (years).