There are a few reasons why I against the death penalty:
1. Human error
You can also file corruption under this one too if you'd like. But quite simply, to exact such a huge punishment on a person based on a procedure that is seriously flawed (jury of peers, biased participants, lawyers etc) is a miscarriage of justice. I have sat on a couple of jury pools and witnessed the most horrifying details of our justice system. I also, unfortunately, have an intimate knowledge of the penal system and can only be grateful that I am not a part of it.
2. Raising the Standard
As a conservative, patriotic American, I take great pride in our country and is founding principles. I have traveled the world and very culturally knowledgeable. I know we have our issues and our disasters in the international arena, but I still believe in our ideals. Thus, I believe, we have to take a stand and stand by what we believe in and espouse to others. Like host said and I think Roachboy alluded to in the other thread, we have to be better than this. We have to rise above what I believe to be a barbaric act (death penalty) as punishment.If we want to hold other countries accountable to things like human rights, then we should demonstrate it ourselves and set the bar. In the same way that we don't tolerate torture etc, the death penalty should also be a thing of the past and of liberal socialist states.
3. Death Penalty doesn't work
I don't get the sense that the death penalty is a successful deterrent. Countries that have a high rate of death penalty such as China and Saudi Arabia, still have those crimes occurring. I mean, in China, they execute their corrupt officials and white collar criminals. Could you imagine that here (in the US)? Think the criminals in DC and boardrooms would continue their corrupt ways, *chuckle*? But to me the biggest point is, despite the death penalty, murder and rapes still occur.
I'm sorry, but I will channel DK here and suggest that having a well armed citizenry (lawful) serves as the best form of criminal deterrence in my opinion.