Originally Posted by Push-Pull
Does this mean that we need some sort of write up from her doctor? The trouble is that for various reasons, she has been through several doctors in the past few years. Her newest one is hardly aware of her as a person yet, much less her condition. All he can do is review the file and comment on it.
Otherwise, we have plenty of proof in the medical sense. She's had 2 back surgeries in the past 3 years, and pain meds for much longer. Perhaps a note from her latest surgeon as to the scope of her condition?
Her new doctor should be able to provide a medical opinion from her full case file and/or consults with her previous doctors. Her surgeon's report is absolutely necessary, particularly if the surgeries failed to relieve the pain. You will not win the disability claim without a written professional opinion because chronic pain cannot be objectively measured.
Here is an example of what you need from the doctor:
- A description of the initiating event (fall, etc) that led to first experience of pain.
- Overview of treatment modalities (medication specifics, surgery, etc.).
- Outcome of interventions.
- Long term prognosis as it relates to the ability to return to work.
You may be asked about the reason for changing doctors, because this is usually a red flag item. You need a clear, concise answer if you are asked. The issue is about shopping multiple doctors for pain meds and/or abuse of pain meds that causes the doctor to "fire" the patient.
Again, good luck. Feel free to pm me if you have specifics that you want to discuss.