Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
I know very well what jury nullification is, thanks, but you misrepresenting your beliefs in order to get on a jury to "force" the jury to come to the resolution that you've decided BEFORE THE TRIAL is not jury nullification.
You're misunderstanding the situation. Lawyers aren't allowed to ask "If you're on the jury, will you allow the death penalty?" In order to get around that rule, they make the question more vague. It's none of their fucking business what I believe in, as it's my right to bring my philosophy onto the jury. I'm not misrepresenting anything, I'm just not going to tell them what they're not allowed to ask for. I'm not allowing them to cheat. Or do you think that people who are against the death penalty not be on a jury where it's a possibility? Isn't that kinda dishonest?
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
That's you taking your outside thoughts and beliefs into the jury box, ignoring the attorneys and then convincing the rest of the jurors to agree with you, effectively trying to act as attorney, judge and juror which sounds remarkably like vigilantism to me.
My beliefs aren't against the law, so they're allowed. It's not illegal for a juror to say the death penalty isn't the right punishment. If the person is guilty, then we all agree that life in prison would be the best way to go. Besides, I'm a pretty fair guy. Anyone would be lucky to get me on their jury instead of some idiot who doesn't understand that he's being toyed around with by the lawyers.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
If you say so, but I didn't think you were serious in thinking a vasectomy would lower testosterone levels either 
They can, just not nearly as often as I figured. Still, touche.