Originally Posted by Martian
Your last statement actually highlights a lot of the misunderstanding, I think. The sun isn't the sole cause here, because there is no one single cause. There's myriad small causes and factors and circumstances that, when taken together, seem to indicate that there may be a problem. Or maybe not. We don't really know because, as Ustwo pointed out, the whole thing is far too complicated for us to be able to really effectively isolate any one individual case of cause and effect.
There is no misunderstanding.
I used the word if and capitalized it on purpose hoping that no one would think that I was saying the sun is the cause.
I was just try point out that there may be non-anthropogenic causes that we may be able to resolve/avoid if we knew what they were.
I was trying to say that it is possibel that we can do something about non-anthropogenic causes as well.