Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Thanks for sharing mixed media.
I pose another question to those against capital punishment, is there any situation at all where you would see it as justice?
No, not that I can foresee.
I've already stated with certainty that I would be against putting Hitler to death, the couple who murdered that little girl, even the man who stalked, raped and attempted to kill my sister - fortunately he was too fucked up on drugs to be highly successful at either - which brings to mind the fact that we see the death penalty as justice for criminals who are
successful. It does very little to address the question of intent - which then leads me to believe that these questions aren't given the thought they really deserve. The death penalty is a method of obtaining a measure of relief from an impotent anxiety that we can't face head-on for some reason. Perhaps because there is no solution to it.
Sorry for the tangential thinking...seem to be doing more and more of this lately, lol.