Originally Posted by highthief
Missing the play-offs is about where Toronto and its fans deserve to be.
Seriously - you guys have to stop supporting this jackass team. Haven't won a thing in 40 years yet you all still buy truckloads of merchandise and sell out even pre-season games.
don't blame us for being homers. We don't deserve this type of behaviour. Really, the seats are sold to corporations. I haven't been to a single game in the ACC.
Where else are we going to go to watch a game? I vote for a second Southern Ontario team. Hamilton, Mississauga, London. Doesn't matter to me. Put another one back in Toronto and call it the Toros again. It would be sold out on day one, and the Leafs would sit up and take notice immediately.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
Highthief, I'm guessing you're a Sens fan, I may be wrong but you have that hatred toward the Leafs I saw when I lived in Ottawa.
oh really? Now (no offense meant but)those Ottawa fans are pretty well the most arrogant in the nation or the NHL.