Two things to consider:
1. there is speaker wire that looks like tape. You can paint over it and see almost nothing. This stuff isn't cheap but it is effective when you can't get some place up on a wall. They also make plastic "conduit" you can surface mount along your basboards and then run speaker wiire throug that.
2. If you use the crawl space you'll have a touch time getting the wire down a small hole and into another small hole. A way around this is to install a metal receptacle/switch-sized box (metal, not the plastic kind) in the wall where your speaker will be. You can then have a better chance of fishing the slim wire up a small hole (3/4" or so) in the floor sill plate and up to the box area because you can get your hand in the hole.
An electrical shop will be able to explain how you use flat metal strips to fasten the box in the wall. I can't remember what they call those strips. Just tell the supply house you want to install an electrical outlet/switch box where there is no stud in sheetrock. There are small lips that cscrew into the box to hold it outside the wall and the metal strips privide the tension inside the wall by folding over inside the box itself. That essentially pulls the box back and the lips keep it from going back in the hole.
Once you have that sorted out and the wire run, you can just use a receptacle faceplate with a hole in the middle to run out the wire or actually purchase the materials to install an RCA-type jack.
If this doesn't make sense, PM me and I'll try to do a better job of explaining.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.