1 - do you support the right for gay couples to legally marry?
Yes - any adult should be able to declare the rights and responsibilites with regards to another adult person that he or she sees fit. Not the government's business.
2 - do you support the death penalty?
Undecided. There seem to be some truly, truly, sick people out there that we can't help. Should we imprison them for life or end it? I don't know which is less wrong.
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say?
Limits. "Fire!" in a crowded theater, for one. But unless there is clear and immediate harm, freedom should win.
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally?
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it?
No. But they should be encouraged,
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools?
No. But prayer dictated or led by school authorities should be.