Mouse problems Again!
This is my 3rd mouse from microsoft that craps in about a month. i'm fucking sick of it!
can anyone recommend me a mouse that's NOT microsoft but i have some requirements:
must be left or right hand. must have scroll both would be a plus. left and right mouse button of course but if there was 2 extra button, i'd be happier. kinda like the white microsoft intellimouse.
right now, I'm leaning more towards the logitech mouses like the lx7 or similar. anyone have good reviews? the 3 that crapped out were an intellimouse after 5years, and now 2 lazer mouse 6000 in about 3months. so i did like the design of those but not the quality. on both the 6000, it was the right click that failed. both when playing games.
i'm looking at the 610 left handed logitech. good? bad? anything else recommended?