WK..while i can understand what your saying, i do think your wrong.
at the end ofthe day its about business and making money. if your not goingto move your stock fast enough your going to lose money. so it makes business sense to make enough cards for hannakah as is necesary.
what is necesary u ask? thats up to the company to decide and see what profits and gains they want to make. but merely spending on things that wont get sold forthe sake of appeasing any particular group is just wrong business sense.
as a muslim id love to see Eid celebrated in australia.. but i wont get upset cos its not. its all about business!
then some greek guy came up with halal mcdonalds in sydney. he didnt do it cos he agreed with the halal concept..nor cos he was muslim, but cos it made good business sense and he could make good money to a niche market of muslims who only eat halal meat.
made great business sense!
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy