Originally Posted by willravel
So because he plays he's right and Webster is wrong?
Don't misrepresent me, Will. My point was that I was against trying to define music at all...and so it's not "me vs. Webster."
personal (and of course this changes and deepens as time goes on) definition of music, which I'd like to share but not impose, is: organized sound. To speak up for "those who think three minutes of traffic sounds" is music, well, I do... sort of. To me a lot has to do with the way it's presented. Standing at an intersection isn't music to me. Every once in a while there are events which could be described
as musical, but for me, to really be music, it has to be presented that way, i.e. at a concert or on a recording. At that point, someone has decided to organize the sound.
Doesn't mean I like it or that it's pleasing. Music doesn't have to be pleasing. It's not that simple.