2 - do you support the death penalty? If evidence shows beyond all doubt that a person is guilty of murder- yes, life imprisonment for child molesters
3 - do you believe that freedom of speech should be absolute, or are their some limits on what people should be allowed to say? absolute, no sure how to handle slander suits though
4 - do you believe that part of the role of taxation is to redistribute resources more equally? No
5 - do you believe that people should be forced to learn the official language of a nation if they want to emmigrate to it? Yes
6 - do you believe that prayer should be prohibited from schools? Good question. I dont think prayer should be forced upon those that choose not to. However, freedom should be extended to those who want to pray. Then comes the question of offering time for all religions. Maybe private schools would be a better approach. Once in high school taking any type of spiritual class could be amoung the chosen electives, but again the problem of providing the means for all religions may be considerable.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking