Originally Posted by james t kirk
I find it funny that men think that they have some sort of right to tell their women how they should dress. Sorry, that's way too controlling.
It doesn't sound to me like she's dressing like a slob, just if she bends over, you can catch a peek of a bra'd titty. Sorry, but that's pretty much most female atire. It's not like she's bending over 100 times a day and there just so happens to be a guy in the right place at the right time at the right angle, thinking the right thing.
Your statement, "unless she is a bitch who actually believes that its [sic] your fault" is quite telling about your attitude towards women. Misogynistic is the first word that comes to mind. Insecure would be the second.
Nice try, but I never said he can tell her what to wear, I said he can find a compromise with her about it, maybe she can wear the same clothing, but with a tight undershirt?
But you go with your attitude, I'm sure there are plenty of women who will enjoy walking all over you. Pussy would be the first word that comes to mind.