On corporations which do ban the use of the term "Christmas" though... Ive always found it very silly.
I've never known a Sikh, Mulsim, or Jew (or an agnostic or atheist) who is offended by it.
People have festivals of their own religions, and are absolutely free to celebrate them, why should the Christian one's be censored because Christianity is seen as a majority? (although in the UK, there are probably more people who call themselves Christian in general terms than anyone else - but I think there are more practising Muslims than practising Christians)
If a group of people want to boycott a store because they think their actions are tasteless or offend their beliefs, I have no problem with that; anymore than I dont have a problem with Muslims boycotting Danish products because some Danish guy insulted The Prophet (peace be upon him)
I think thats a bit silly as well, but if it is what they want to do, they should be completely free to do it.
If this Christian group was going to firebomb these stores - then sure, we'd have a problem then.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas