Originally Posted by Martian
I would like to see this assertion proven. Please 'tear apart' the evidence supporting the theory of a heliocentric solar system. Or the theory of gravity. Or the theory of evolution even, if that's your favourite.
Now Mr. Martian, you must read my posts before jumping to conclusions. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups......
Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
The real trolls are the UGWC (whatever the fuck that is), & JREF. They lure them in with the money, tear any evidence to shreds (which is easily done, no matter how compelling the evidence), then dismiss all comers. I'm sure they must then pat each other on the back, & congratulate each other on their flawless logic..........
As you can plainly see I was referring to evidence presented to the UGWC or JREF in relation to proof of man-made global warming or the paranormal.