Originally Posted by raveneye
Since Steve Milloy (= contest judge) doesn't believe there's any proof of human evolution either, I guess it's a valid contest.
Ottopilot, do you have an opinion that you want to discuss/defend on this subject, or is this just a troll?
By this logic any post where a reply is sought is a troll, please..........
Just as know one will ever prove the existence of anything paranormal to the satisfaction of the godly James Randi, know one will ever prove man-made global warming to the satisfaction of these guys.
The real trolls are the UGWC (whatever the fuck that is), & JREF. They lure them in with the money, tear
any evidence to shreds (which is easily done, no matter how compelling the evidence), then dismiss all comers. I'm sure they must then pat each other on the back, & congratulate each other on their flawless logic..........