OK I think i'm starting to formulate a more solid position on my issue with "rap" then.
every single video up until "The Streets" had me ignoring the lyrics and focusing on what I was talking about in the OP, which was, rap MUSIC, not rap itself. There was the interesting point brought up of it becoming a music form from which it was not originally, it was simply spoken word with no music, that is a good point. I guess when you couple simplicity with simplicity it sounds like simplicity. For the record, I like The Streets, I've heard them before and I didn't really think of it as rap for some reason.
Although this is what becomes mainstream perhaps and why I hear these 1 hit wonders and shake my head in disdain at it all. So.. lets say I take in to account the lyrics. Crompsin quotes some simple lyrics from other genre's I understand, but there is a difference between singing as an expressive outlet and simply trying to sound tough and say stuff as quickly as possible to impress some witless idiot who thinks it's cool because he isn't over his fast and furious phase in life.
But there we have it, theres no way for me to be like "here's the black and white answer" to my question. Some people are going to think that simplicity in music and simplicity in lyricism is going to equate to good music, some of those people will be producers, execs, and PR types, followed by those who purchase said music.
Apparently I can either just accept that "different strokes for different folks" or I can be bitter about it and think that the majority of people just don't have a clue.
SO on a tangent, this thread has become about lyrics, something I was aiming to avoid simply because, again, I was talking about music and music alone, my point is, speaking/rapping or whatever doesn't carry any emotion to me, it's just emotionless in the interest of speedy delivery, or it reminds me of some middle schooler trying to sound tough.
I guess I have to hold rap up to a higher standard when it comes to picking the songs I can listen to and enjoy than some other genres for that reason.
Doesn't matter how good your lyrics are if your music is bland and your delivery is coming across like a cracked out kid entering puberty.