Originally Posted by ottopilot
I thought the challenge from JunkScience.com would be a provocative topic for discussion. I'm not trying to be antagonistic merely for the sake of stirring the pot. Whether Steve Milloy or JunkScience is biased or not, it seems that the challenge would be an excellent opportunity for someone to settle this once and for all... to stick-it-in-their-eye so to speak. I find it very interesting that there has not been a definitive response which supports the claim that GW is only a man-made phenomenon. If this is a "slam-dunk", then I expect everyone would be clamoring to claim the prize.
Since you can't really prove a multi variable system where the true extent or even number of variables are not known using a computer simulation then you can't have any real proof of human caused global warming being the 'proof' is reliant on this. Since these computer models can't even work backwards and 'predict' past known climates, you can understand my skepticism.
Another current prediction is that the sun is entering a solar maximum but you can't buy gain votes complaining against the sun.