This discussion has given me some good ideas. It helps to know the attitude of the community so that I can shape my plans for it better.
Regarding exhibition: My advice to anyone who wants to post in exhibition is to stand by your post; do it because you want to express yourself, not because you want people to like you. Use the file attachment feature on the board so that the images cannot be hotlinked elsewhere and that they can be taken down on notice of foul play. Too many people revoke their contributions because they feel unappreciated by the lack of reaction - only post if you're committed to your own expression. Elphaba, I haven't really removed my pics; most of them were hosted under which the original registrar parked prematurely. The others met a similar fate. If they were still visible today, I wouldn't take them down. I see no need to repost them. I'll probably post more in the future, but I haven't felt inspired to do so in over a year.