Originally Posted by abaya
Morally consistent?... please explain. Does that mean that pro-choice parents are not supposed to give as much of a shit about a desired, conceived-on-purpose developing fetus as pro-life parents do?...
I think most pro-choice people haven't really thought it out very far. When someone who I think has a 'real' honest pro-choice point of view like that woman who had one of her twins aborted because she didn't want 2 babies, only one, shes viewed almost universally as some kind of monster.
If you really think a child in the womb isn't human yet, for whatever reason, then why should the abortion be anything beyond a simple medical decision? An abortion is the equivalent of mutual masturbation.
Of course you can be pro-choice and still love your children, but after they are born, before then they would just be a choice that needs to be made in the first 2 trimesters.