Morally consistent?... please explain. Does that mean that pro-choice parents are not supposed to give as much of a shit about a desired, conceived-on-purpose developing fetus as pro-life parents do?...
Yes. In order to be a morally consistent (philosophically and practically) pro-choice person, you'd have to believe that fetuses were subhuman or non-human.
Otherwise, you'd be arguing philosophically that it is okay to kill the cells, as they are not human, but feeling practically that it couldn't be aborted, because it had some sort of special meaning (like being human)?
Fortunately it's not a choice I've had to make; I don't want to meet the person who can choose to abort lightly, whatever the reason.
Why not? I'm right here, what's wrong with me? It's just a collection of cells, as far as I'm concerned. No different than fighting the common cold; my body is killing all sorts of parasitic cells.