Originally Posted by inBOIL
Prenatal testing can be valuable even if you decide against abortion. Often there are treatments that are most effective when started early, so it can help alleviate or prevent symptoms of the disease. I'm not sure if this applies to Down's, but it can't hurt to know to watch for specific conditions so that you can give your child the best care possible.
Yes, I think that's especially true for spina bifida... although I think most people probably abort those too.
Originally Posted by inBOIL
but Down's people don't reproduce; their genetic diversity can't be tapped for society's benefit.
You might also say the same for gay people... I wonder if evangelicals would abort those, if they could eventually be identified (genetically) in utero?
Originally Posted by inBOIL
Besides, if a cure for Down's were developed, it would have the same demographic effect as aborting Down's fetuses. Would eliminating the condition from society via a cure be wrong?
I don't know... hence my reason for creating this thread. I am trying to figure it out for myself. My gut feeling is that it is unethical to breed out any subpopulation for the reason that they are "burdensome" and "undesirable"... because truly, where do you draw the line for that? Do you think that people with cleft palates are burdensome? etc.