Originally Posted by Martian
1) Devil's advocate response
The human genetic pool has been degrading for centuries now. Natural selection is no longer a function of human physiology. An individual with Down's Syndrome or Asperger's (or yes, even a cleft palate) is less well suited to survival than a physically healthy specimen; should that individual survive to reproduce, they're are effectively weakening the human genome.
Note that this argument also applies to me, as a sufferer of Crohn's Disease.
Human life is "so special"... and yet just about anybody can create it with zero controls.
The question is: Who determines the controls and what happens when they erode? Updated eugenics?
I'm for these kinds of tests. Perhaps I'm a selfish, cruel man or perhaps I believe that we are what we do and if you can't do, you shouldn't be.
This is, of course, saying that you can prevent those that "can't do", of course. I don't promote the gassing of those who lose limbs / eyesight / hearing.
I would rather be with a partner who agrees to abort a kid with a serious defect so that we may try again than a partner that wants to hold onto whatever broken genetic soup we manage to crotch-bake.
I think people against these kind of tests should go stand in front of a mirror and recite the following mantra:
"Individual human beings are not special or unique. The fruit of my loins will not special. My parents were not special. I am not special."
We are what we do and what we do makes us special, but not who and what we are...