Originally Posted by willravel
This being 2007 and not 1856, a two income house is actually more of a necessity than a luxury. My kids will go to 4+ year state or private colleges and have cars that work. I will be able to retire and not have to greet at Walmart.
So you want cars for your kids and are looking at a private school? For a few grand you can set up with a state school early on. Which part of luxury is so hard to understand. Todays 'necessities' were yesterdays luxuries, the ones that even existed then.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
I'm guessing UsTwo makes enough money to compensate for his wife not working. God, how much did it cost me to get that last crown on #6? Both of my parents worked 20+ years for the US gummint and still couldn't buy me a car or send me to college. I had to fill sand bags and get shot at to afford my truck and the house I was going to share when I got back from the desert. The cost of living today dictates that most families have both parents working to support those silly things like the mortgage on their modestly sized home outside DC.
I saw your truck, so thats not a luxury along with your bike eh?
Take a GOOD look at the 1950's lifestyle and tell me how that life style is a luxury these days.