Originally Posted by JinnKai
I'm pretty <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">left</span> extreme on this issue. Fuck the "God's seed" and "sanctity of life" stuff.
Jinn, I agree with you on this stuff. But this is not an abortion question, at least not to me--I'm pro-choice, and fuck the sanctity of life thing. People should have a right to choose what happens with their body--as long as the effects (read: resulting demographics) are mostly random/due to chance.
But I see this kind of decision differently--it's a matter of ethics. What is good for a society? Do you really not see any long-term problems with our entire species if everyone started aborting based on particular characteristics that they find personally and arbitrarily distasteful? Do you not at least see a demographic problem with the Chinese tending to abort female babies, for example?