I'm pretty pro-death, so..
This is the issue, however. Who decides what "serious conditions" are, vs. "minor trivialities?"... I mean, if the condition is non-fatal, as Down's syndrome and cleft palates are...how does one decide what is serious enough to warrant an abortion?
Anything the parent decides - if the parents don't want a little black baby, little gay baby, little white baby, little baby with DS, then abort it. I don't see a problem with it unless a government, society, etc.. is coercing the parents to make that choice. So long as it is left to the parent's choice, I don't see how it's any different than any other choice a parent makes. It's their lives.
Until it's birthed, it's still a set of cells just like any other in the mother's body. I'd look at aborting it like I would her getting liposuction; getting rid of cells she doesn't want in her body.
I'm pretty
<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">left</span> extreme on this issue. Fuck the "God's seed" and "sanctity of life" stuff. It's not life until it's outside of her body. Until then it's a parasite.
EDIT: Realized I might be gifting left-leaning liberals a bad name. I'm extreme on this issue.