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Old 11-20-2007, 09:16 PM   #36 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Location: CT
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I'd call that a good start.
If that's just a good start, then what would be the ideal end that's fair for everyone? I think that the heads of a company (who would ideally be elected by the workers/owners) should be compensated more heavily for positive decisions and penalized more heavily than negative ones than the average worker because of the higher risk associated with decision making in their position. I'm not sure that you'd agree with that.

And to expand on my view of welfare, I think that the only way we can realistically break out of the ghetto and slum poverty cycle is to offer free public education to those who cannot afford it. A GED is a basic need in the modern economy, and providing community college or vocational school tuition will allow people to achieve their potential. I see it as a different facet of supply-side economics, the proverbial teaching a man to fish instead of giving him fish.
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