Thread: child custody?
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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Coming from the "guy's" perspective in this same exact situation (much less bullshit, well, maybe not, I don't know what the mother tells her friends).

Just because the mom says the guy wants nothing to do with the child does not mean that is the case (it may or may not be), but that's not the case. And every other weekend custody does not substantiate NOT having to pay child support on the guy's part. Check with Alaska State Child Support laws, but in Colorado, even if I had my child half of the time I would still owe the mother a large chunk of money each month because of her income. If I made the same as her, and had the child half of the time I MIGHT not owe anything in Child Support. If he claimed that having every other weekend custody was enough to justify not paying child support the mother needs to get a lawyer and get the courts involved ASAP. All she needs to do is go to the court, submit to have a case started for Allocation of Parental Responsibility and Child Support and then let the pissing match begin there. If the father already has court appointed every other weekend custody that should not stop until the courts say otherwise.

Having sex with a child in the other room is not a crime, and being talked into a BJ in your own home is not just cause for a restraining order (maybe being talked into receiving a BJ while sitting at a fancy restaurant is justification for a night in jail). There is certainly more to the restraining order than a BJ. Now, if the child was in the room while this was going on, that's a bit of a different story.

My recommendation to you is to let your co-worker know she needs to get a lawyer and get a case started with the courts. My other recommendation to you is not to associate blame to a third party without hearing that party's side of the story. If you have actually heard the father say "Yeah, I don't even want a part of my child's life, I just don't want to pay child support", then yes, he's a jerk and shouldn't have any custody rights for the child, but if that's is what the mother said and you have never talked to the father about it I would ask the mother to make sure she NEVER says anything like that in front of or nearby, or within audible distance of the child! That's the beginning of one fucked up upbringing if she is saying things like that in front of the child.
In the Absence of Information People Make Things Up.
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