Having a threesome: typical teen/young 20-something male response. And by far the dumbest "solution" anyone could come up with for this problem. It shows how little one knows of not only the female sex, but also of human behavior in general. Before I read the posts suggesting a threesome, I was going to just state that because your girlfriend stated explicitly that she doesn't want you to tell her about any outside sex that you have, that you should realize that she isn't comfortable with you sleeping around. It is still your own choice, but you just need to understand the hidden meaning behind what little she had said about this to you.
There are few heterosexual couples I have come across that are comfortable with having "open" relationships. There are many straight girls who have FMF threesomes, because they really like the man they're with and convinced themselves that this will help them stay together. I have never met a mature woman who had a FMF threesome while in a relationship with a man unless it was an open relationship and they had numerous sexual encounters with other people already. Needless to say, those women are rare, and you certainly aren't going to find one who is a college undergraduate. Sorry, fratboys, but that girl who agrees to have a threesome is not sexually self-confident, but in fact the opposite. Anyway, I digress. Usually if the average couple has a threesome, it equals the beginning of the end for their relationship. Having a threesome is jumping too far down the road in terms of sexual exploration when here you are skipping the mile markers along the way. Like I said, she isn't comfortable enough to know who you are sleeping with or when. And that's perfectly normal. But she shouldn't feel like she should have to engage in a threesome for your enjoyment in order to feel like it's the only way to keep you from straying: and that is basically what you are saying to her, and it is far more immoral and chauvinistic than just having a brief tryst, no matter what silly notion of "I want her to enjoy this, too" that may be popping into your head. I should add that I'm not attacking the topic creator for thinking this: but any young man who thinks this is a good idea.
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