Originally Posted by Strange Famous
let me repeat one other thing then... the public will never support a "sport" where it is legal to strike a man when he is down. never, never, never.
Jesus SF, MMA is huge and continues to grow. It is making inroads into all sorts of demographics and markets and all signs point to this not just being a fad. It has staying power and is here for good. There will be huge stars that will be known mainstream very soon. Several are close already - such as Randy Couture.
There are a couple of really storied families in MMA already, those being the Gracies and the Shamrocks. There are also a huge number of big stars that others have listed. Fedor is an overwhelming monster now and he has a long career ahead of him.
Your continued posts remind me of the politics forum. You have your fingers in your ears and are shouting over everyone 'LA LA LA LA boxing rules LA LA LA LA LA mma sucks LA LA LA LA you're all stupidheads LA LA LA LA LA '
Back up some of your claims instead of continuously repeating the same inane points.