Im not arguing anything, just inquiring for other opinions and thoughts. I was referencing luck in the sense a psychic being right by making a "lucky" guess. Or situations outside of palm readers that may have exsisted in anyones life where utilizing gathered memory and, critical thinking, and deductive reasoning were not factors; if you or perhaps anyone especially those that don't believe in ESP, feel they may have used (terms that are used interchangably) gut, instinct, hunch, etc. If the belief that these exsist only in the person's perception the believes in them, if luck happens if favorable outcomes occur consistently.
It seems that it has become the norm to address everyone in an almost confrontive tone here at TFP, but it wasnt my intention to across as that if that is how it sounded.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
Last edited by Sun Tzu; 11-18-2007 at 01:25 PM..