ditto what WK said Shauk
This is a tragic turn of events, yes what those adults did to the Megan was wrong, they should have known better and responded to the ending of Megans friendship with their daughter in a more mature fashion - they did not.
However if I was a parent and had a daughter who had been in therapy for 5 years (working off the Australian system of third year being 8yrs old) with depression and had talked of suicide before I would be extremely hesistant to let her have a myspace page no matter how much she begged, this is not the first time one of these 'social networking' pages has been misused. Nor would I want my teenage daughter becoming so emotionally dependent on a teenage boy she and I have never met.
Moving away from the blame game however ....
This new law is not the only way Megans family is clinging to her memory
On the window outside Megan's room is an ornamental angel that Ron turns on almost every night. Inside are pictures of boys, posters of Usher, Beyonce and on the dresser a tube of instant bronzer.
This strikes me as very unhealthy behaviour, I respect the fact that Megans family has not thus far been able to move on from her loss but this act of setting up almost a shrine to her memory is not a healthy reaction. I worry greatly about the mental and emotional damage that will be done to Megans parents when they no longer have their goal of changing the laws regarding internet harassment to focus their grief and anger.
The bit of this article that angered me the most is the other families action of suing the Meiers for the destruction of their foosball table and driving on the front lawn. It's an amazingly petty action when you consider the fact that they contributed to Megans death.