Originally Posted by JinnKai
What is available to them? Some sort of complicated keyboard switching? For those who can't touch type, the labeling of the keys is essential.
I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the input method. The computer accepts letters in the user's native language until delimited by use of the spacebar, and then does one of three things:
CASE 1: The word matches one symbol
When the user hits the spacebar it turns the natural word into the symbol.
CASE 2: The word matches multiple symbols
In the case where the input word is used for more than one concept, eg: the English 'break' as in 'destroy' and 'break' as in 'recess', the spacebar activates a small drop down box containing possible symbols, which can be selected with cursor keys and spacebar/return key. Reminiscent of typing Kanji in Japanese.
CASE 3: The word matches no known symbols
There are a few reasons the parser may not recognise a word, for example if its too specific for the programmer to have anticipated. In any of these case it'll say "No, I don't know this one" and the user will go "Oh," and be presented with the option to leave the word as it appears, (example: for personal or place names) or to start the word over again, where they will use simpler words to build a compound symbol to be the word to embody the concept they want.
Example: (bear with the ASCII) -> symbols shown in *...*
"I knew a guy who played guitar."
User: I <space>
Parser: *self*
User: knew <space>
Parser: *know*+(past inflection)
User: man <space>
Parser: *man*
User: :[played <space>
Parser: play ... *play a game or sport*, *play about by ones self* (like kids do) or *play music/instrument*?
User: (select *play music*)
Parser: *play music*+(past inflection)
User: guitar] <space>
Parser: *guitar*]
If you can make sense of that, the user typed
"I knew man :[played guitar]"
in english, and got "*Self*know(past)*man:[*play-as-in-music(past)*guitar*]".
which could be read by someone who knows not a single word of english.
Thats the idea anyway.