Originally Posted by dksuddeth
just because you went and got some sort of college degree does not mean that you are more of an expert in some area than some other person who did not obtain said degree.
Of course it does. Very much so, in fact. Maybe you'd like to let the guy who cuts your lawns be your psychologist? What do you think "expert" means?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Having seen, by first hand direct experience, that letters after a persons name does not make them smarter than another person who doesn't, assures me that you most likely know little more than I do about any particular given subject. Be that as it may, analog has it right insofar as I do owe you an apology for the moron comment. While you certainly aren't a moron, you aren't the all knowing, all seeing person you say you are when it comes to the human psyche....at least in this issue.
I'm not the family's psychologist, nor is anyone posting in this thread. We can see some of the facts behind the article, though, and based on those facts it's not unreasonable to conclude that this girl was a suicide risk with or without myspace and the idiots on myspace. That's the bottom line.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
/I disagree
That's cool with me.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If that can't be seen by you, then I dare say that you should at least rethink some of your ideology in human behavior.
My ideology is based on 300 years of psychology as a science. How are you diagnosing her?