Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Yes, really. I grew up, that's my university.
Ah, the "I didn't die between now and when I was born" university. I'm pretty sure that no one recognizes that as proof of any expertise by your being alive.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
so what you're really saying is that 30 year old adults aren't any more responsible than 13 year olds, because your so called 'idiot pranksters' were PARENTS and supposedly ADULTS. If you can seriously sit there and say that the 13 year old and the 'pranksters' have equal responsibility, then your judgement, intelligence, and opinions are of serious questionability. You'll certainly think different IF your own daughter were the one that committed suicide because of the 'circumstances'.
You capitalizing "ADULTS" doesn't make them more guilty. They did something massively stupid. No one is arguing against that. Did they directly cause her suicide? Of course not. Just like if I called her stupid and she killed herself, I'd just be a jackass who wasn't responsible for her suicide.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
then fucking report me moron. I made a reference, not a threadjack. One would THINK you were more intelligent than that, given some of the threads you've made on here, but that was obviously a facade because you've demonstrated a complete and total LACK of intelligence from this topic alone.
Calm down right now. I've never been, am not, nor will I ever be a moron. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty damn smart. In particular, I'm smart about things psychological because I went to school for 4 years and learned about it. Yes, I learned about the mechanisms involved in things like suicide. I even volunteered at a suicide type hotline. So who do you think is demonstrating a lack of experneice and understanding of the subject?