Originally Posted by dksuddeth
so would I, simply because NOBODY is a normal and healthy teen.
O RLY? And what accredited university did you get your degree in psychology in? It's fun to throw around 'the world isn't normal' statements, but the reality is that .01% really isn't everybody. While suicide isn't really rare, it's far from the norm even for teens. Just because you nor I were normal teens doesn't mean everyone wasn't, and I don't think I ever considered suicide.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
she may or may not have been a timebomb, but the problem is you're talking about a 13 year old, someone who, despite what appear to be best efforts at parenting, was PURPOSEFULLY led in to an emotionally upsetting and imbalanced state by human scum masquerading as adults. You are being extrememly hypocritical blaming this girl for her death, yet at the same time purporting to blame inanimate objects for the deaths of thousands. (you know what i'm talking about.)
You're incorrect. I'm not blaming anyone, lest of all the poor girl. The circumstances— potentially suicidal teen meets idiot pranksters—are really all that you can blame. It was an unfortunate situation. That's all.
BTW, I'm going to start reporting you every time you try to threadjack with guns from now on. You're mature and intelligent enough to compartmentalize that particular argument into the 400 threads you've started on the subject. This thread has nothing at all to do with guns.