At what point have I made an argument?

100 points for candor.
As you might remember from my last post, I said you haven’t made a single argument in this entire thread. Thanks for making my point for me, I appreciate it.
At what point did I make false accusations?
Every single accusation you made about James Hansen was false, obviously. I think I see what you mean about your mind being closed.
And why do you continually focus on me rather than the issues and questions?
What can you possibly offer of value on the scientific issues, when you just admitted you can’t support your opinion with an argument? There are a billion unfounded opinions in the world, why do you think yours is any better a number drawn out of a hat? What do you think a discussion is, a game of pin-the-tail on the donkey?
Here is some more "cherry picked" stuff.
Another sweet example. Here's something to consider: if you want to score a debate point, you need to fire a neuron or two and make at least a rudimentary attempt to cobble together an argument. That will help you find the donkey. With this link, you just pinned the tail on your knee again, I'm afraid.
Should I continue reading about global warming or should I just stop at the IPCC report?
Depends. If you just want to reinforce what you already “know” like any run of the mill global warming denialist, then you’re doing gangbusters right now. Keep it up and you'll "learn" a lot.