Originally Posted by dc_dux
I agree that both Paul and Kucinich are right on the Patriot Act.
But I am confused that you consider Kucinich a serious candidate when most of his domestic proposals and agenda are built around an expansive role of the federal government that you consider unconstitutional.
Care to explain the contradiction in your thinking?
Although I disagree with many of Kucinich's positions, I sense his genuine concern for the country. He puts his money where his mouth is. One of the few Democrats running who voted against the war and patriot act and is pushing through impeachment despite oposition from his own party. I can respect that despite his solutions to problems, which is where I support Paul over him.
Besides, Paul and Kucinich, all I can see are bought and paid for lie to your face politicians. I'd rather have a candidate who at least has a concern for me and is doing everything in their power to help me even if I don't agree with how they are going about it. Even though he'd implement socialist polices, the country would be way better off since he'd get us out of Iraq and foreign entaglemens, and repeal the post 9/11 anti-terror laws.
Next to Paul, I don't see any other candidate running who'd I'd rather see as President (maybe Gravel in their too, is he even running still?)